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Sunday, July 31, 2016

WYD Krakow: Day 7

Last night's candlelight prayer with the pope, overnight vigil in Misericordia Park, and the concluding celebration of the Eucharist this morning served as the culmination of our time together as World Youth Day 2016 pilgrims in Krakow, Poland.

Pope Francis encouraged all of us gathered in the park - 1.5 million - to "take the path of the "craziness" of God, who teaches us to meet Him in the hungry, the thirsty, the migrant." The pope also called us to get off of our "comfortable sofas" of indifference, self-doubt, and fear. Instead, we are to wear "soccer be starters, not reserve players" in serving others and spreading the Good News of God's mercy.

Our time together as pilgrims has ended. However, we have been summoned to return to our homes, our parishes, our dioceses, and our countries as renewed missionary disciples of mercy. We have been called to more than just mere mediocrity and indifference. Rather, the pope has invited all of us - but especially the young Church - to follow Jesus, "the Lord of risk, the Lord of the eternal more."

This "more" involves puting ourselves out there to encounter others, to risk our security, comfort, and reputation. In following Jesus, the "Lord of risk" in this way, we will also encounter our truest and most free selves. Emptied of all pretense and fear, we then begin to receive the "other" no longer as stranger, but as beloved friend.

In loving and serving each other in mercy, we also discover how it is that God truly sees and totally loves us. This is the enduring gift of following Jesus, the "Lord of risk."

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