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Thursday, October 4, 2018

"Rebuild My Church"

It seems that the Church is collapsing all around us.

For decades, the number of people regularly worshiping and participating in their faith communities has plummeted. Ideology has displaced the role of theology. Values contrary to the gospel have crept into our Church. Most devastating of all, vulnerable children became victims of sexual abuse committed by clergy and their crimes were covered-up by ecclesiastical leaders.

In light of these troubling realities, it is worth reflecting on the call of Saint Francis of Assisi to give us guidance.

After years of partying, living extravagantly, and violent fighting, Francis began to journey back to the Christian faith. During this period of re-conversion, Francis lived more simply and generously.

Francis performed works of mercy.
He also began to pray more.

One day, as he prayed before the cross in the dilapidated ancient chapel of San Damiano, Francis heard a very distinct voice saying:
"Rebuild My Church!"

Initially, Francis believed that he was being summoned by God to rebuild the chapel of San Damiano, which he did brick by brick. However, the more Francis embraced the Gospel in his life, the more he realized that the Lord was actually calling him to rebuild the Church - not necessarily brick by brick - but rather person by person.

Throughout his life, Francis worked to rebuild the Church. While some in the Church marginalized the sick and suffering, Francis cleaned and kissed their wounds. While some in the Church acquired unbridled wealth, Francis embraced voluntary poverty. While some in the Church clung onto their individual power, Francis gathered together a community of brothers and sisters. While some in the Church became greedy, Francis lived peacefully alongside all of God's Creation. While some in the Church condemned sinners, Francis preached the good news of salvation. While some in the Church called for war with enemies, Francis risked his life to make peace.

San Damiano Crucifix
Person by person, Saint Francis helped to rebuild the Church in the 13th century.

You and I know the many, many problems facing our Church today. We know that so much needs to
be rebuilt. Right now, just as it happened 800 years ago, the crucified and risen Christ is speaking to our hearts from a place of ruin and decay. He is saying: "Rebuild My Church." 

We might be tempted to think we are not equipped for this mission, that we don't have the proper background, training, or education. But neither did Francis. However, Saint Francis did embrace the values of the Gospel: He was prayerful. He sought community. He preached. He lived simply and humbly. He listened. He acted. He loved.

If we are guided by the Spirit of God and the example of Francis, then you and I also can help rebuild the collapsing Church... person by person.