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Monday, January 5, 2015

Epiphany 2015

Each year during the Christmas season, we mark the revelation of the Christ-child to the magi from the East. This event, recorded for us in the Gospel of Matthew, is significant as it is the first time in the Gospels that Jesus is pursued and adored by foreign, non-Jews. In Jesus, the God of Israel has become one like us and is accessible to all people, Jew and Gentile alike.

The sojourn of the "Three Kings" (though we don't know exactly how many wise men followed the Christmas star) remains good news for us today! And it is relevant too! Each one of us is invited to "follow the star to Bethlehem," that is, we are all capable of discovering Christ in our midst. The Lord does not hide from us. Rather, God's light shines amidst our dark world. The love and mercy of Jesus Christ is present today, here and now.

All people, both believers and non-believers alike, can experience the joy of Immanuel, God-with-us. This is especially true in our relationships. We may not see a bright burning star, but we experience the glow of that everyday love expressed by family and friends. We may not meet foreign kings, but we do encounter newcomers, strangers, immigrants, and travelers along the way. We may not touch those exotic gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, but we are indeed touched by others' gifts of hospitality, joy, and acceptance.

The magi were wandering seekers of truth. Like the magi, we also pursue truth. For those of us who
are Christians, we pursue the Truth: Jesus Christ. Everyday, in our prayer, our work and sanctification of the world, our family lives, and in our participation in the sacraments, we re-discover Jesus.

During this year of 2015, we can see each day as an Epiphany of our Lord. Our lives are filled with graced moments. All we need to do is seek the Lord, just like the wise men, and open wide our hearts to the wonderment that comes as a result of faith.

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