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Sunday, April 26, 2020

Jesus Amidst Diapers

Yes. You read that title correctly. In recent days, I have discovered Jesus amidst diapers.

Let me try to explain.

A young mother reached out to one of our parishioners. Although her family was getting by with food, they were really feeling the pinch with diapers. There simply were not enough resources to buy anymore diapers. Apparently, even cheap diapers are expensive. This woman was hoping that this parishioner might know somebody who could help her with this impending crisis.

This parishioner then made a few calls and sent several messages to other members of the parish: Did anybody have extra diapers? If anybody was shopping, might they pick up some diapers? Could anybody donate a few dollars towards diapers?

Within the span of a few hours, the young mother was swamped with knocks on the door and calls on her phone. Anonymous packages of diapers lined her porch and gift cards filled her mailbox.

The young mother called the parishioner she initially reached out to and was overjoyed. She cried, so appreciative was she of the generosity shown to her by so many strangers.

You see, Jesus was there, amidst the diapers. When there was a need within the community, many disciples of Jesus responded to the call.

Selflessly, they gave, even when they themselves had very little resources. Some "masked up" and trudged to the store. Others drove across town to deliver the boxes. These Christians simply were following the lead of their Master. They responded with generosity and love. They are the salt and light of the world.

As followers of Jesus Christ, we seek to serve the needs of others - in big ways and small. If we are willing to sacrifice in love for others, we will get through this current storm. Together, as the Body of Christ, we will lift each other up in support.

We'll even find Jesus amidst diapers.

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